郵局宅配 : 單筆未滿2000元酌收65元運費 ,付款方式>請選擇 線上刷卡
自取 : 到店取貨> 付款方式請選擇 虛擬帳戶ATM
超商取貨不付款 : 全家、萊爾富、OK,單筆未滿$2000酌收60元運費,付款方式>請選擇 線上刷卡
(2) 購物滿2000元以上免運費,未滿者需自付運費65元。
(3) 特殊行銷活動時間,將公告調整運費金額或免收運費。
✦ 海外訂購,請點選頁面右上方【聯絡我們】或是
FB搜尋 DermatologistDesignedSystem
LINE ID : @cvp4233m
email :[email protected]與我們聯繫。
✦ 海外訂購需另外支付國際運費,費用需視寄送國家收費報價而定。
✦ 付款方式提供線上信用卡付款,或國際匯款(匯費自付),我們聯繫後將有專人說明 。
✦ 海外運送採用「順豐速運」或「郵局航空包裹」寄送。(香港、澳門、新加坡、馬來西亞,將以順豐快遞寄送)(中國大陸需提供身分證)
✦ 海外會員恕無法享有7日猶豫期退換貨之服務,出貨前我們皆會細心檢查及包裝,請安心訂購。
✦ 收件資料務必填寫英文姓名及地址。(大陸地區除外)
✦ 商品價格皆以台幣計價。
✦ 運送時間視寄送國家而定,在您訂購前可先來信或發訊息粉絲團詢問。
✦ 各國進口關稅標準不同,若貴國海關需收取商品關稅,需請自付。
✦ 若因產生關稅但不願支付以致商品被退回時,我們將以您原支付的金額扣除產生的運費再行退款。
Contact us
You may send requests via Facebook page, Messenger, LINE, WeChat or email.
FB DermatologistDesignedSystem
LINE ID : @cvp4233m
email :[email protected]
Leave your personal information and what's prouduct would you order.
Your order will be sent out via the most suitable carrier, dependent on size and weight.
Duty charges
Any duty charges will be charged once your parcel arrives in the destination country. If you're requested to pay duty charges, you'll be notified with information on how to pay. DDS has no control over these charges and we can't tell you what the cost would be, as the duty calculation is handled by our carrier.
We cannot predict what these charges will be so we'd recommend contacting your local customs office for the latest charges before ordering.
In the event that you don't agree with duty charges presented to you, please contact the carrier.
DDS is not able to pay these charges for you or refund any of these charges.
If no contact can be made or duty payments have not been received within 7 days, the carrier will automatically return the parcel to DDS .
Disclaimer: Our website contains links to websites owned and operated by third parties; these are provided solely for your convenience. DDS have no control over these sites and are not responsible for their content or availability.