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Dermatologist Designed System-DDS SKIN CARE PRODUCTS INFO

商品編號 : DDS-ALL
Dermatologist Designed System

Lightening,Moisturizer,Nourishing,Tighten,pores,Medical cosmetic,Anti-wrinkle,anti-aging
"Paraben-Free,MI/MCI free,Alcohol-Free,Formaldehyde-Free,fragrance free,oil-free,Silicone-Free, Sulfate-Free, fragrance free

網路價 NT$0

ml : 
數量 : 

Lightening,Moisturizer,Nourishing,Tighten,pores,Medical cosmetic
Anti-wrinkle,anti-aging,Moisturizer,Repairing, Lock wateR
Lightening,Moisturizer,Nourishing,Tighten,pores,Medical cosmetic,Anti-wrinkle,anti-aging

Basic Skin Care Routine - Step 1 

Rapidly supply hydration to skin, raise its water content and Moisturizing.

‧Macromolecular hyaluronic acid / Mid molecule hyaluronic acid: 

infusing skin with moisture and deep  Hydrating.  Improves dry skin

‧Witch Hazel Extract: To regulate dry and  sensitive skin, shrink pores.

‧Matricaria Recutita Extract: Repair and  improve dry , dark and coarse skin.

‧It is suitable for all skin types, especially those with dry and rough skin and lack of  water.


Basic Skin Care Routine - Step 2

Lock up water while hydrating,to strengthen skin cells defense and moisturizing barriers, delay skin consenescence.

‧Ceramide I III IIIB VI: firmly lock up water, strengthen the work of the defense to maintain the normal function of the skin. 

‧Phytosphingosine: improve the absorption of ceramide nutrition,remove fine and dry lines,completely moisturize skin.
‧Specially designed for peeling and dry skin.


Basic Skin Care Routine - Step 3

Repair damaged collagen, smoothen wrinkles, Supports skin from environmental damage.

‧Ceramide I III IIIB VI:smoothen wrinkles ,strengthens the skin barrier and firmly lock up water while hydrating.
‧Theobroma Cacao Seed Butter:It will be effective in reducing your fine lines, boosting collagen, and restoring elasticity.to prevent and reverse the aging of your skin.
‧Theobroma Cacao Seed Butter:protects injured or exposed skin from annoying stimuli and may provide relief to the skin. also slows the loss of water from the skin by forming a barrier on the skin's surface. restore  skin resilience.
‧α-Bisabolol: Restores moisture balance,softens fine lines and wrinkles.Provides the hydration that is necessary to soothe skin
‧Very dry skin / Sensitive/dull skin, Anti-Aging, After sun exposure.


Hyaluronic Acid STORY

Hyaluronic Acid is naturally found in human body. It notonly help cushion and lubricate joints, but is also a major component of skintissue. As one of the Natural Moisturizing Factors in human skin, Hyaluronic Acid plays an important role of keeping the skin moisturized and bountiful. The loss of Natural Moisturizing Factors is correlated with chronically aging, environmental factors, personal behaviors that lead to various skin problems anddisorders.


Hyaluronic Acid is known to be able to carry hundreds or thousands times of its weight in water. Applying Hyaluronic Acid on the skin is capable of acquiring water molecules in the surrounding and furthermore penetrates and supplies water into the skin. Hyaluronic Acid is now recognized one of the best moisture products.



Ceramide occurs naturally in our skin, is one of the nine lipids that present in the epidermis. The lipid is on the top layer of the skin, and is to prevent water loss and losing moisture. Studies indicate a positive relationship between aging and the loss of ceramide in epidermis. Patients often suffer from skin dryness, itching, flaking, peeling or even severe skin disorders. By applying ceramide skin care products can help repair the lipids that have been lost due to chronic dryness, environmental factors, and skin damage caused by certain skin conditions.


Ceramides are the major lipid constituent of lamellar sheets present in the intercellular spaces of the stratum corneum. These lamellar sheets are thought to provide the barrier property of the epidermis. It is generally accepted that the intercellular lipid domain is composed of approximately equimolar concentrations of free fatty acids, cholesterol, and ceramides. Ceramides are a structurally heterogeneous and complex group of sphingolipids containing derivatives of sphingosine bases in amide linkage with a variety of fatty acids. Differences in chain length, type and extent of hydroxylation, saturation etc, are responsible for the heterogeneity of the epidermal sphingolipids. It is well known that ceramides play an essential role in structuring and maintaining the water permeability barrier function of the skin.


According to dermatological studies, patients between 40 to 50 years old contain only 30% to 40% of ceramide in the epidermis. Skin disorders such as psoriasis, ichthyosis, acne, and atopic dermatitis are triggered due to the lacking of ceramide. Applying ceramide skin-care products daily can prevent water loss.





Anti-aging and moisturizing technology of skin research centers of Germany and French is utilized and the production of all the products meets the guidelines on good manufacturing practices (ISO 22716) and the guarantee of no controversial substances added.

“Perfect skin, Confident life” is our vision as to crate the ideal skin care products that are suitable for healthy skin, damage skin and even diseased skin. Our productshave been highly recognized and recommended by dermatologists and consumers.Hospitals, clinics and professional skin care centers are fields of selling markets.




Dermatologist Designed System (DDS) is founded by Dr. Eric Ying-Jui Chang who is a well-known dermatologist and medical aesthetic expert in Taiwan.  He specializes in using skin care products, energy-based devices, fillers and toxins, and dermatologic surgery. Based on the experience of treating skin diseases and aesthetic medicine, Dr. Chang is active in engaging the research and development of the safe and effective skin care products. He believes the use of most skin physiologic structure compatible materials as the elements of active ingredient will be suitable not only for “skin care”, but also for “diseased skin” and “post procedural skin”.Therefore, the DDS skin care series are created for the purpose of simplest and effective way to promote the skin healthy and beauty.

Dermatologist designed system(DDSBEAUTY.COM)



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搜尋FB ID : Dermatologist Designed System - DDS



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Duty charges

Any duty charges will be charged once your parcel arrives in the destination country. If you're requested to pay duty charges, you'll be notified with information on how to pay. DDS has no control over these charges and we can't tell you what the cost would be, as the duty calculation is handled by our carrier.

We cannot predict what these charges will be so we'd recommend contacting your local customs office for the latest charges before ordering.

In the event that you don't agree with duty charges presented to you, please contact the carrier.

DDS is not able to pay these charges for you or refund any of these charges.

If no contact can be made or duty payments have not been received within 7 days, the carrier will automatically return the parcel to DDS .



Disclaimer: Our website contains links to websites owned and operated by third parties; these are provided solely for your convenience. DDS have no control over these sites and are not responsible for their content or availability.

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客服電話: 886-2-2258-2522
客服信箱:[email protected]


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發問時間 2025-02-12